Get Rid of Squirrels From Your Chimney

Squirrels can spell trouble for your chimney and home — they might chew up the structure, damaging features like the chimney caps, or build their nests inside. Those nests then become fire hazards because they are typically made of leaves and twigs. If you suspect squirrels are infesting your chimney, professional services can help.

Signs of a Squirrel in Your Chimney

If you have squirrels in your chimney, you may hear sounds like scratching, gnawing, scampering or jumping. Other signs of these pests include:

These can be signs of any animals, so you should contact professionals, like chimney sweeps, who can remove the squirrels or other critters and repair any damage. A professional inspection can reveal if you have squirrels in your chimney if you aren’t sure.

How to Get Squirrels out of the Chimney

Don’t try to scare the squirrel away by lighting a fire, which could just lead the critter into your home. Instead, some homeowners find luck making loud noises near the fireplace to spook the squirrel up and out the chimney. However, if the animal is trapped, this won’t work. You could try lowering a rope into the flue and securing it so the squirrel can climb out, but professional help is the safest option. 

How to Prevent Squirrels From Getting Back In

Squirrel-proof chimney caps keep these pests and others from getting into your home through the structure. As a bonus, these caps prevent wind and water from entering your home.

Choose Chimney Services From Atlanta Chimney Doctor

If squirrels are damaging your chimney, Atlanta Chimney Doctor can fix it. From inspection to cleaning and repair, our services restore and maintain your chimney’s safety. For over 30 years, our fully licensed and insured team has been serving homeowners in and around AtlantaContact us to request an inspection.