Converting Your Fireplace From Wood to Gas
A fireplace can be a beautiful home feature that encourages you to get cozy, cuddle up with loved ones and enjoy a peaceful warmth in your own home. However, many homeowners find their fireplace challenging…
10 Signs Your Chimney Needs to Be Cleaned
If your fireplace isn’t working as well as it once did, you might need to have your chimney cleaned. Even if you haven’t noticed any changes, regular chimney inspections and sweeping protect your home from…
Myths and Facts About DIY Chimney Cleaning
A clean chimney enhances your home’s appearance and safety. It protects your house from fires and locks out raccoons and other pests. Yet, do-it-yourself (DIY) tips for chimney cleaning can confuse many homeowners because they…
Understanding Chimney Damage From Moisture
Maintaining your chimney can protect it from damage and deterioration, improving its life span and efficacy. Learn more about how moisture can damage your chimney with this guide. Once you understand why your chimney is…
What to Do If You Have Rain in Your Chimney
If you have noticed your chimney leaks when it rains, further complications may be deeper inside. The causes of rain in chimneys can vary for each situation — some more serious than others. Whatever the…
Chimney Discoloration and Its Causes
Chimney discoloration may be predictable, but there’s often an underlying cause that could lead to long-term issues. Knowing what to look for could save you from potentially costly repairs. Having your chimney cleaned and maintained…
6 Signs You Need to Repair Your Chimney
Your fireplace is an excellent source of warmth, creating an unmistakable ambiance. Identifying the signs you need to repair your chimney is essential to its long-term enjoyment. When left unmaintained, wear and tear in the…
How Often Should You Clean Your Chimney?
Your fireplace or wood-burning stove keeps your home cozy while adding a beautiful ambiance to your space. Keep it in good condition with regular cleaning and inspections. These services increase your home safety, giving you…
7 Essential Tips for Buying a Fireplace
There is something peaceful about listening to the crackle of a fireplace in the background. With a bit of planning and research, you could soon be snuggling up in front of your new fireplace, watching…